This weekend I was lucky enough to have my little sister spend the weekend with me and Cole. My Parents were in Cape Cod attending a wedding and Karlee was able to pick where she wanted to stay. Normally she would stay with one of her fun friends. This time, however, when my mom asked her where she wanted to stay she said ME! This was more than exciting for me because I've always said my siblings were much cooler than me. In fact, just last year I was at my parents house hanging out and I was singing and dancing in the bathroom with Karlee and she said, and I quote, "Ugggchhh Kier! you are SO annoying." Ok hi, she was twelve, and I was the annoying one? Me and Karlee have always gotten along really well but in this past year or so I have enjoyed her company more and more. She is so fun to be around and really easy going. I have always looked up to her because she is so athletic and kind and always has lots of fun. So I was glad she was able to stay with me.
The first night she was here her and I went and ran errands. We had to go to Costco to pick up some pictures. While we were digging around the bin hoping to spy my pictures someone stopped and said, "Hey we are looking for our photobook that we printed, we were just wondering if it was done yet or if you could go and look for it." These people clearly thought I worked there. I was straight up wearing a tribal print skirt and a hoodie. It could not have been more apparent that I didn't work there. I don't know what it is about me but I get asked if I work places all the time. I could be at target wearing lime green and jeans and someone will ask me, "Do you know if you have this size in the back?" I've even been asked if I worked at the DI before, sans red apron. Now thats a blow to the self esteem. But for real, I get asked a lot, so me and Karlee got a good laugh out of that. Then like they say, When in Rome. Well when in Costco, you sample stuff, thats a fact. At one point of our trip I conned Karlee into getting a second sample and the guy yelled "HEY!" she totally got busted. The best part about it is that when you are fourteen everything is about one hundred times more awkward than it is for a normal person. So she walked around the store bright red and awkwardly giggling for the next half hour.

On Saturday she was such a trooper she came out to help us get Jenn moved. She was really tough and helped a ton and didn't ever whine. Then that night her best friend Madi came over to hang out with us. Madi has always been like family. She was even one of my bridesmaids. When you get those two together there is no chance of not laughing. We decided to carve pumpkins together. I was lame and just carved an "H" with polka dots, Karlee did a "K" with the superman symbol around it and some stars. Good ol' madi took about ten minutes to decide what she was going to do and finally decided on Mike from Monsters Inc. It started out really great until she slipped and Mikes whole face fell off. We spent a good half hour trying to nail all the pieces back on and it at least worked for a couple minutes only to fail again. I would have to say her pumpkin is my favorite though. Every time I look at it on my porch I get a good laugh.

Next me and the girls did face masks because thats just what you do when you have a girls night. I had bought me and Karlees a few days before and then went back to the store that night to get madi's. They didn't have the same one as the ones I already had so I got a different kind. When we opened the package it was a literal mask, not a cream. It looked so creepy because it was skin colored and had holes for the eyes and mouth and nose. Madi made the best of it of course. Later we just squeezed some extra out of our pouches so Madi didn't have to wear the creepy one.

Today we just relaxed, we watched an old Mary Kate and Ashley movie with all three of us in our small bed. Cole is such a good sport. Me and Coleman woke up early to make a yummy waffle breakfast of which I thought it said to make the full box to make 8-10 waffles when it really said 8-10 people. So if anyone wants some waffles..... we have a few. It was such a good weekend. Karlee woke up this morning and changed, into my clothes. She came out of our bedroom this morning wearing a pair of my pants that were much to big for her and one of my hoodies. I used to hate the fact that whenever I got a new pair of shoes they were followed by her getting the same pair. Or every time I liked a new band it was her favorite as well. Now that I'm a little older its my favorite thing, and little does she know that I want to be HER when I grow up. I guess imitation is the best form of flattery. I love being a big sister to that girl.