Friday, October 18, 2013

Living Room Tour

Last May when me and Cole got engaged we were on the market for somewhere to live. Neither of us had put much thought into it. But one Sunday my aunt Kari mentioned that the little farm house she had lived in five years prior was opening up. Then her eyes widened and she said, "KIER! you need to call the Hill's right now and rent from them." I called them that day and set up a time for when I could go look at the house. When we got there, our jaws dropped, not because of the beauty, but quite the opposite. 

Ok, looking back at this picture it doesn't look half as bad as it was. Let me explain, on the far right of the picture by the vent you can see a square that is lighter than the rest of the carpet. This is because the carpet was SO dirty that where ever there was a piece of furniture it was like, four shades lighter then the rest of the dirty carpet. We did a really terrible job of taking before pictures but trust me, this doesn't even begin to show how bad it was. Yellow walls, dirty carpet with wax and spray paint and gum, yes, gum stuck in it. See that brick wall, the renters before us tore up the brick flooring and hand painted every brick bright red instead of leaving it the beautiful natural brick it was before. The rug on the ground was stapled to the ground with only particle board beneath it. Like, I cant. Anyways, it was a lot of work. We replaced the carpet and linoleum and painted for what seemed like a month straight. Now, this little farm house is my favorite place and I couldn't imagine us anywhere else. 

We were so lucky! Most of the furniture we have has been thrifted and repainted. It has been my favorite thing to do in my spare time. I just did the herringbone coffee table this week and I'm seriously in love. Also that cool green lamp I found for 3 dollars! For realz! 3 dollars, nothing makes me happier than redoing something and making it beautiful, especially for cheap! 

Sorry for the blurry pictures. My mom was the lucky winner for that sweet t.v. stand. She found it for me at the DI and we repainted it navy blue and I love it! Don't mind the fact that I have a bunch of empty frames all over the place. I  was waiting to get my wedding pictures back and now... I've just been lazy. Don't judge me. But I really love my picture wall. We have a picture of each of our families up there and some fun other pictures. Also a number seven, my lucky number.  My other favorite thing in this picture is our awesome globe on a stand. Cole got it from his grandpa before he left for our mission and I think its one of my favorite things in our living room.

One of the first pieces of furniture I repainted was that coral end table by the couch. On the end table is a record player that I gave Cole for our first valentines day and its one of our favorite things. We were even able to use it at our wedding.  I love having a little mantle to decorate for holidays. Even if it is only two inches wide ha! Plus don't you love my burlap banner. My talented aunt Kari makes them and I think it adds a lot to my repainted brick wall. Also, take note of my christmas lights on the edge of the couch. I love coming home at night to some twinkly lights. I already know where I'm going to put my christmas tree! I plan on giving more house tours once I have finished some more projects up my sleeve. We love our little house. 


  1. EEEEKKK! I love that you are doing a blog! So fun.. to keep record of such fun exciting times in your life.. just keep at it.. then print it out... it will be so so fun to look back on.... especially with your kiddos!! Love you two!

  2. Kier, this is a wonderful! What a great way of keeping and recording memories. Especially for sharing with us all! Everything looks wonderful!!! You're the best

  3. SO adorable Kier!! Love the blog and the cute couple!!! :)

  4. Love it! You do such cute things; you're so talented! Love that you started a blog too.
